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Knowledge topic - Sleep

Interesting facts related to sleep
1. There is no such answer till date that we know why we sleep.
2. A person passes one-third of his life, i.e. almost 25 years, in gold.
3. As long as the child is 2 years, the child's parents sleep 1055 hours less because of him.
4. If you feel like sleeping in your sleep that you are not in danger then they filter out the voices that can wake you up.
5. When your sleep opens before the alarm begins to sound, it is called "Circadian Rhythm".
6. Sometimes when we are trying to sleep, we also get very angry with the ticking of the clock.
7. Often we feel the most tired at 2.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. at night.
8. Often those who sleep most do not lose their level of harmons.
9. The record of constantly waking up to the most time was made in 1964 by Randy Gardner of 17 years. He wakes up to 264 hours 12 minutes.
10. If you have awakened from a dream and ask to see that dream back then you should quickly stop blinding and go to sleep. This method does not work every time but you will definitely see a good dream.
11. You will be surprised to know that 15% of the population are sleepy and 5% have a speaking condition in the population.
12. One of the 4 married couples is like this, who sleeps on different beds.
13. When you are happy, work is done in less sleep.
14. Mahatma Gandhi could sleep and wake up as per his wish. Five minutes was enough for them to sleep deeply.
15. Between 3:00 and 4:00 am, your body is weakest. This is the reason that most people die in sleep at this time.
16. "Bruxism" says to him when we start cutting our teeth kit in sleep.
17. A test conducted in 1998 shows that behind the knees, the brightness of the light changes in the mind and the consciousness of consciousness is restored.
18. It is impossible to sneeze while sleeping.
19. We can live without eating for 2 months, but can survive for only 11 days without sleeping.
20. Working in Japan is known to be asleep because it is understood to be tired while working hard.
21. "Dysania" is the condition, when getting up from bed in the morning seems to work very hard.
22. Cats spend 70% of their life in sleep.
23. A horse stands and the rabbit sleeps by opening his eyes.
24. In 1849, "David Atchison" became President of the United States one day, and spent most of his time in gold.
25. You spend more calories in gold than watching television.
26. I spit in my dream. This is a lie because the chances of eating spider in the dream are 0%.
27. 8% of American people sleep bare.
28. Human beings are the only creatures in the world who can sleep with their own desire.
29. When we lose our breath, we lose weight by one pound i.e., 450 gm.
30. When the full moon goes out, then the person sleeps less, for this you can be responsible for the environment.
31. When there was no color TV in the world, then about 80% of the population had dreams even black and white.
32. People who do not dream, they have a disease named "Personality Disorders".
33. "Parasomnia" is such a disease in which a man can commit a sinner like a slaughter in sleep.
34. Even when the dolphins and whales are sleeping, half of their brains are awake, to remind them of when to take the air on the surface, when to go to the surface.
35. At night, we lose our ability to smell, so if there is leakage of gas at home or the smell of smoke, then we can not know.
36. If you stay awake for 16 hours then your brain will feel as if you have 0.5% alcohol in your blood.
37. If you do not take complete sleep, you will eat more because of the lack of Leptin in Baddy.
38. Occasionally due to high altitude, there is no sleep.
39. "Sleep Apnea" is a disease when breath stops while sleeping, due to which people are afraid of sleep and are always in stress.
40. If you sleep less than 7 hours a night, then the chances of colds increase 3 times.
41. Sleeping is impossible by wearing cap. Sleep will not come.
42. The biggest reason for not sleeping is to run internet 24 hours a day.


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