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Current affairs - 26 -01 -18.


  • Election Commission of India (ECI) hosted a one-day International Conference on the subject ‘Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Election Process – New Delhi
  • No. of police Police Officers to get Republic Day Police Medals – 795
  • The aircraft made its maiden flight successfully -  SARAS PT1N
  • First State to ban the sale of tobacco at shops selling FMCG items in the state - Maharashtra


  • Country has acquired the top spot for global investment, as per latest PwC 21st CEO Survey 2018 – United States
  • The country has passed a new bill on fisherman crossing border – Sri Lanka
  • 8.2 magnitude earthquake jolts - Alaska

Person In News

  • The legendary jazz musician and anti-apartheid activist has passed away recently - Hugh Masekela
  • He has been appointed as the new Director General (DG) of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) - Dilip Chenoy


  • In Four-Nation Hockey, New Zealand is beaten (3-2) in opening match by - India

General knowledge

  • This award is given to a person for meritorious act of human nature in saving the life of a person – Jeevan Raksha Padak
  • Every year National Girl Child Day is observed in India on – 24 January 


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