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Knowledge today - Amazing Earth facts

Interesting facts of the earth
1. There are a total of 500 active volcanoes on Earth, which constitute 80 percent of the lower and lower part of the surface of the earth, from its volcanic ash.
2. Today, 450 million years ago, there was a Mars-shaped planet in the Sun sign which was orbiting the Sun on the same planet with the Earth. But the planet collided with the ground for some reason, and the earth turned in one and the other became the moon after the collision that was separated from the earth.
3. Due to the earth's gravity it is not possible to elevate the mountains from 15,000 meters.
4. All Earth's continents have been moving from the last 2.5 million years. This speed is due to the constant speed of tactonic plates. Every continent is moving from different continents to different moves. As the Pacific Plate 4 centimeters per year, while North Atlantic 1 speeds per second per year.
5. Carbon is definitely in every living being on earth.
6. All the people of the earth can cube in 1 square kilometer. If we set up a person in a square meter, then one million people in a square kilometer can stand.
7. The source of heat on earth is not only the sun. Rather, the interior of the Earth is composed of molten material which constantly keeps the inner heat of the earth stable. According to an estimate, the temperature of this inner part is 5000 to 7000 degrees salicyas which is equal to the temperature of the sun's surface.
8. Do you know that all the continents of Earth were connected to each other 6.5 million years ago from today. Scientists believe that a meteorite collapses on Earth, and due to constant volcanoes and powerful earthquakes, the continent began to separate from each other, that is why the end of dinosaurs came from Earth. Earlier, when all the continents were connected then the figure looked like the picture above and it is named by the Vigyanagya 'Panjianya'.
9. On Earth 45,00 clouds (clouds) roar every day.
10. Earth is the only single planet in the Ganga, in which there is arrangement of Taptonic plates.
11. Almost every year 30,000 objects of outer space enter the Earth's atmosphere. But when most of them reach inside the Earth's atmosphere, they start burning because of friction, which we often call 'breaking stars'.
12. It is generally believed that Venus is the brightest planet in the solar system, but it is not so. If all the planets of the solar system are seen from a particular distance, then the earth will look the most bright. This is because the earth's water turns sunlight light so that it is the brightest one from a certain distance.
13. The pit, which was digested by humans, was dug in Russia in 1989, which was 12,262 km deep.
14. Only 11 percent of the surface of the earth is used to produce food.
15. Do you know that the earth is not completely round. Blick has a difference of 41 kilometers in its geo-central and polar diameters. The earth is a bit flat with the poles, while the ground line has emerged slightly outward.
16. Do you know that there are many more planets and satellites, including the moon on which water is present. But earth is the only one where the water is found in all three stages. Meaning of solid, liquid and gas in three
17. 25 million years from now, the earth will start slowing down on its axis, which is about 24 hours in the present time, 25.5 hours after 25 million years.
18. The earth is roaming with its speed of 1600 kilometers per hour while it is circumambulating 29 kms per second.
19. Gravity is not the same everywhere in every place of the whole earth. It is different at every place in the earth. The reason for this is that all the places are different from the center of the earth. For this reason, your weight on the ground line will be a little overdrawal.
20. It is believed that three quarters of the Earth has water, but what is the total amount of water?
Earth has three quarters of its surface, but its depth is nothing compared to the radius of the Earth. The radius of the ball made from the entire water of the earth will be approximately 700 km, which is less than half of the radius of the Moon. This quantity is slightly more than Saturn's Moon Ria, be aware that Ria is mainly made of water ice.
In the picture, left Jupiter's moon Europa and the amount of water shown on it. The amount of water in Europe is more than the amount of water on earth! Water on Europa is about 80-100 km deep beneath its surface. The diameter of the ball made of Europa water will be 877 km. So scientists are now looking at the possibility of life in Europe!
21. About 1000 tons of space every year on earth, dust particles enter the soil.
22. Because of rotating relative to its axis of the Earth, it behaves like a magnet. The North Pole of the Earth is the southern dome of its magnetic field, while the North Pole in its magnetic field's northern dice.


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