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Knowledge Point - Amazing facts From Science

Interesting facts from science
1. If any of the stars of an sky ganga become like salt grains, then they can fill the whole of the Olympic swimming pool.
2. Generally, classes are taught that the speed of light is 3 lakh kilometers per second. But in reality this speed is 2,99,792 kilometers per second. It is equivalent to 1,86,287 miles per second.
3. Every 100 seconds sky lightning falls on the ground. Every year 1000 people die from the sky.
4. The light will take only 0.13 seconds to travel the earth.
5. If we want to go to the nearest Galaxy on the speed of light, we will take 20 years.
6. Air does not sound when it does not bump in any object
7. Quick Silver or Mercury is the only metal that remains in the liquid state and is so heavy that the iron floats on it too.
8. When water was formed from the water, then about 10% of the water gets blown away. That's why water is stored on the tray (tray) in our fridge.
9. The aromatic powder, which is planted on the body, is called talk powder.
10. You will be shocked by the world's most expensive item. After knowing its name, you will not even think that its value will be so high. Most of the people can think of it as gold, silver or diamond. If so, then you are in misunderstanding The world's most expensive substance Antibody is a type of substance that is made in antigens such as pajetran, per-proton, per-neutron. These counter-protons and counter-neutrinas are made in quarks. Listening to its cost, your senses will fly away. By selling 1 gram counterpart, 100 small countries of the world can be purchased. Yes, the price of 1 gram per person is 31 lakh 25 thousand crores. According to NASA, antibacterial is the most expensive material on earth. It takes 160 million rupees to make 1 mg of antibody Where is it formed, There is a world s best security system Not only this, in institutions like NASA, there is a strong security cover Apart from certain people, no one can reach to antiparadha It is interesting that the reciprocal can be used as a fuel in the planes.
11. The world's heaviest metal is osmium Its 2 feet long, wide and high stitch is equal to one elephant.
12. The master-water used in nuclear furnaces is the world's most expensive water. The price of one liters is approximately 13,500 rupees.
13. Scientists have pointed out that the hen had come before the egg because it is found in proteins that make the cells of the egg only in poultry.
14. The first camera made in 1894 will allow you to sit for 8 hours in front of your photo.
15. Neil Armstrong first placed his left foot on the moon and at that time his heart beat was 156 times per minute.
16. As mentioned above, the biggest known star is Kenis Mejorim. Its half-way is 600 huna more than our sun, while the weight (mass) is just 30 times more. In this picture it is shown in comparison to our sun.
17. The biggest known star of all time is Canis Majoris (Canis Mejoris). It is so large that it can contain 7 000 000 000 000 000 Earths. In other words, if the size of the earth is given to the peas, then the diameter of Canis Majoris will be 3 kilometers.
18. The first discovered planet out of the solar system was discovered in 1990. There are about 40 ^ 1021 planets in our Brahman. But till now, only 800 planets have been discovered.
19. Jupiter's Ganymede moon is the single object in the symmetry that is larger than a planet. The size of Ganymede is more than the Buddha planet.
20. A star is killed by a supernova explosion. The energy produced due to this explosion is more than our energy
21. We can see about 6,000 stars from the naked eye on the night. If we use durabeen, then we can see 50,000
22. The neutron stars are so dense that they are shaped like a golf ball but the mass is 90 billion kilograms.
23. The highest peak on our symposium is Olympus Mons, which is located on Mars. Its base is around 600 kilometers and its height is 26 kilometers. The height of Mount Everest is 8.848 kilometers.


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