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Current affairs - 18 -02 -18

As per recent ruling of Supreme Court, the citizen has fundamental right to know the assets of their elected citizens under this article of the Indian Constitution – Article 19(1)(a).
This place saw the hosting of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)-India Region Conference – Patna.
The SC bench headed by this Judge rule that “undue accretion of assets” is an independent ground for disqualifying an MP or an MLA – Justice J. Chelameswar.
This state has allocated Rs 404 crore for madrassa modernization in its State Budget 2018-19 – Uttar Pradesh.
The total cost of developing and sending Chandrayaan-2 in space around mid-2018 is – Rs. 800 crore.
The Draft National Automotive Policy proposes to adopt a long-term roadmap for emission standards beyond BSVI and harmonize the same with global standards by this year – 2028.
As a routine exercise of activating civil airfield by the IAF, a detachment of two Su-30 MKI aircraft would operate from Jolly Grant Airport in – Dehradun.
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between Botanical Survey of India (BSI) and Natural History Museum of this country – United Kingdom (UK).
Union Government has decided to set up these many additional Ekalavya schools for the education of tribal students – 562.

This Horn of Africa country declared emergency following resignation of Prime Minister – Ethiopia.
This Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) has proposed the Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary in the Weddell Sea – Greenpeace.
Scientists have, for the first time, have directly observed the shower of electrons bouncing across Earth’s magnetic field causing spectacular, colourful phenomenon commonly known as the – Northern Lights.

He was adjudged as the Player of the Match in last One Day International (ODI) match against South Africa in Centurion – Virat Kohli.
Roger Federer surpassed this tennis legend to become the oldest number one tennis player in the world – Andre Agassi.
This person was made the brand ambassador of T20 Mumbai League – Sachin Tendulkar.

Person in News
This person resigned as the Prime Minister of Ethiopia – Hailemariam Desalegn.
He was sworn-in as the 41st Prime Minister of Nepal – KP Sharma Oli.
He was appointed as chairman of the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) – Prof Arvind P. Jamkhedkar.

General Knowledge
Oromo and Amhara community in news belong to this African country – Ethiopia.
The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)-India Region, which was earlier a part of the CPA-Asia Region, became an independent region from – September 7, 2004.
The first female president of Hindu Kingdom Nepal is - Bidhya Devi Bhandari.
This species is a keystone species in the Antarctic ecosystem - most wildlife is either directly or indirectly dependent on it, including penguins, whales and seals – Krill.
India’s first lunar probe Chandrayaan-1 was launched aboard PSLV C-11 in the year – 2008.
These countries have been able to soft-land spacecraft on the lunar surface – USA, Russia and China.
In India, the automotive industry contributes this much percent to the total GDP – 7.1%


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