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Current affairs - 13 -02 -18


  • The state govt. to ban the sale of loose cigarettes in the state – Bihar
  • Centre has granted ₹1,269 crore for - Andhra Pradesh projects
  • Three new eel species has been found in – Bay of Bengal


  • World's new tallest hotel opened in –Dubai
  • 71 killed as Russian passenger jet crashes near - Moscow

Person in News

  • Top lawyer of Pakistan, also known as the Iron Lady of the Pakistan passed away recently –Asma Jahangir
  • The first Asian as well as the first Indian to swim across the Ocean Seven – Rohan More
  • She is the First Transgender to become Member of Maharashtra Lok Adalat Panel - Vidya Kamble


  • The 8th Senior National Women's Hockey Championship title has been lifted by - Railway Sports Promotion Board
  • She has won 13th edition of National Chess Championship for blind - Kishan Gangolli
  • India’s winter sports poster boy brought the curtains down on his over two-decade international career - Shiva Keshavan

General Knowledge

  • The highest national recognition for outstanding achievements in the field of adventure on land, sea and air - The Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award


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