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Current affairs - 22 - 01 - 18.

-Centre has signed agreement for strategic sale of 51.11% equity with – ONGC (oil and natural gas corp.)
-The fourth edition of the India International Science Festival will be held in Lucknow.
-Home Minister Rajnath Singh launched Bharat Ke Veer anthem and a short film on India’s bravehearts in New delhi.
-Maharashtra state govt. has launched `Balasaheb Thackeray Shaheed Sanmaan' scheme .

-US govt. officially shutdowns for first time in 5 years .
-Magnitude 6.3 quake jolts  - Northern Chile.

Person In News
-Ajay Seth has led Indian delegation at the 2018 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) military cooperation meeting.
-Iconic Cartoonist ,Chandi Lahiri has passed Away at the age of 86 .

-India has won the, Blind World Cup 2018.
-Leander Paes and Purav Raja ,have lost to Colombian pair of Juan Sebastian Cabal and Robert Farah Men's Doubles pre-quarterfinal match of the Australian Open.

General Knowledge
The term used to describe an abnormally high blood glucose (blood sugar) level in the body - Hyperglycemia.

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