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Best Motivational sayings.

Most motivational tellings -

#When everything is going dark n dim, don't worry.
God is actually switching off the lights before throwing a surprise party...

#Life is a compromise between your feelings and reality.
At every stage you have to quit ur feelings & accept the reality..

#Speak 5 Lines to YOURSELF every morning:
1. I am the best.
2. I can do it.
3. God is always with me.
4. I am a winner.
5. Today is my day.

#Frog had competion 2 reach top of hill.
All frogs shouted "Its impossible".
But one frog reached the top..
He was deaf..!
Be deaf 4 Negative words...

#Whenever u feel down in life,
u lose all hopes in life..
Just close ur eyes and say
"I have to prove, not to the world, 
but to myself...!"

#Baby mosquito came back after its first flying... 
His dad asked him, "how do u feel?"

He replied "it was wonderful daddy... All humans clapped hands for me!!" 

Moral:- Life is too beautiful, when it depends on our way of thinking, why waste time on what people think...."

#No one in this world is born as our friend nor born as our enemy....
 Our behaviour, attitude & relations makes them to become so...:)

#?"All our dreams cannot be translated into reality.....

But they can act as a foundation stone for a glorious future...".

#Nothing depends on luck..everything depends on
work..coz even luck has to work.

First people LAUGH at u,
Then they CHALLENGE u,
Then they WATCH u succeed

#''Show ur care for those who expect it and worth it....Dont waste it for those who 
Didnt understand the value of it..

#"Every Thing Is Easy, When You Are Crazy About It &
Nothing Is Easy When You Are Lazy About It."

#If god solves your problem because you have faith in his ability..
If god doesn't solves your problem, he has faith in your ability that u can do it.

#"No one can make U Happy if U choose to Remain sad.. &
No one can make U Sad if U choose to Remain Happy"-Everything is within U!

#Negative Thinkers Focus on PROBLEMS.!

Positive Thinkers Focus on
So be Positive at all Time & Make Bright Future..!


#👌मंजिल मिले ना मिले
ये तो मुकदर की बात है!

हम कोशिश भी ना करे
ये तो गलत बात है...🙏

#हंसो तो मुस्कराती है जिन्दगी...,
रोने पे आंसू बहाती है जिन्दगी...,
प्यार दो तो संवर जाती है जिन्दगी...,
हाथ बढ़ाओ तो पास आती है जिन्दगी...,
जिस नजर से देखो वैसी नजर आती है जिन्दगी...।
नजरिया बदलते ही बदल जाती है जिन्दगी...॥😊

#मंजिल चाहे कितनी भी उंची क्यो ना हो 


रास्ते हमेशा पेरो के नीचे होते हे..!!


#ज़िन्दगी के लिए एक बेहतरीन सोच-
हर एक की सुनो.                        ओर हर एक से सीखो.
.                क्योंकि                                                                                                   ,,हर कोई सब कुछ नही जानता,,
.              लेकिन.                 हर एक कुछ ना कुछ ज़रुर जानता है...!                                                      ⛵⛵⛵⛵⛵⛵⛵

#इतने छोटे बनिए 
की हर कोई आपके साथ बैठे,

ओर इतने बड़े बनिए 
की जब आप खड़े हो तो कोई बैठा ना रहे..


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