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Current affairs - 23 -01 -18.

-The government has reduced the minimum export price (MEP) of onion by - 150 dollars.
- A replica of the iconic Qutub Minar made out of municipal waste, costing Rs 16 lakh, has been erected near – IGI Airport
-Maharashtra State govt. has prepared a proposal to shift from paper to online lottery in order to earn more revenue .

-Scientists have developed, ultra thin electronic skin tattoos in Germany.
-Jamaica has declared a state of emergency in the island's second city - Montego Bay
-India will become the fastest growing large economy in the world, eclipsing China .

Person in News
-O P Rawat will be appointed as the new chief election commissioner .
-An American professional basketball player, passed away in Boston recently - Joseph Henry
-Author of the book “The Heartfulness Way” recently unveiled by Ram Nath Kovind - Kamlesh Patel & Joshua Pollock
-15th edition of Mumbai Marathon has been won by - Soloman Deksisa
- Viswanathan Anand draws with Svidler in Tata Steel Masters chess .

General knowledge
-It is the second-largest Anglophone city in the Caribbean, after primate city, Kingston. - Montego Bay
-It is the largest marathon in Asia as well as the largest mass participation sporting event on the continent. It is the richest race in India – Mumbai Marathon


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